About the flight
How long is the flight?
All flights will last one-hour. Very rarely the length of the flight will be slightly less than one-hour but it is for the safety of the flight. We do everything we can to plan a flight for an hour. Sometimes mother nature just has other plans for us.
How far do we fly?
The average flight is between 5-10 miles. Length does vary depending upon wind conditions.
Do I need a jacket?
You need to come dressed for the weather on the day of your flight. The weather up in a balloon is very similar to the weather on the surface, but remember you will be outside for a few hours.
Where do you fly in the balloon?
We fly over the Tennessee River Valley north of Chattanooga. We do not fly over the city due to airspace restrictions and difficulty in landing locations in congested areas. Plus it is much prettier out there.
For any questions please email chattballoon@gmail.com